阀门种类术语 Angle Stop Valves 角式截止阀
阀门种类术语 |
Angle Stop Valves | 角式 |
Angle Throttle Valves | 角式节流阀 |
Angle Type Globe Valves | 角式截止阀 |
Butterfly Type Non-slam Check | 蝶式缓冲止回阀 |
Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator | 蜗轮传动 |
Cock | 二通 |
CQ Thread Ball Valves | CQ螺纹球阀 |
Diaphragm Valves | 隔膜阀 |
Double Disc Flat Gate Valves | 双闸板平板闸阀 |
Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves | 明杆平行式双闸板闸板 |
Double Opening Exhaust Valves | 双口排气球 |
Electric Actuated Stop Valves | 电动截止阀 |
Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves | 电动楔式闸阀 |
Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves | 电动平行式双闸板闸板 |
Emergeny Cut-off Valves | 紧急切断阀 |
Free Float Type Steam Trap | 浮球式疏水阀 |
Flange Ball Valves | 法兰球阀 |
Flange Gate Valves | 法兰闸阀 |
Flange Globe Valves | 法兰截止阀 |
Gauge Valves | 仪表阀 |
Hard Seal Butterfly Valves | 金属密封碟阀 |
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves | 高温高压电站闸阀 |
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves | 高温高压电站截止阀 |
Lift Check Valves | 升降式止回阀 |
Lift Check Valves | 升降式止回阀 |
Lining Ball Valves | 衬里球阀 |
Lining Butterfly Valves | 衬里碟阀 |
Lining Check Valves | 衬里止回阀 |
Lining Cock | 衬里二通 |
Lining Globe Valves | 衬里截止阀 |
Lining T-Cock Valves | 衬里三通旋塞阀 |
Liquid Indicator | 液位计 |
LPG Pipe Fitting | 液化气管件 |
Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves | 磁耦合截止阀 |
Magnetism Forle Pumps | 磁力泵 |
Manual Oil Pumps Valves | 手摇油泵(阀) |
Meter Needle Type Globe Valves | 仪表针形截止阀 |
Oblique Stop Valves | 直流式截止阀 |
Parallesl Slide Valves | 浆液阀 |
Piping Centrifugal Pumps | 管道离心泵 |
Piping Pumps | 管道泵 |
Piping Safety Valves | 管道安全阀 |
Plunger Globe Valves | 柱塞截止阀 |
Quick Draining Valves | 快速排污阀 |
Restrictor Valves | 过流阀(或节流阀) |
Safety Valves | 安全阀 |
Screw Pumps | 螺杆泵 |
Scum Gate Valves | 排渣闸阀 |
Single Disc Flat Gate Valves | 单闸板平板闸阀 |
Single Opening Exhaust Valves | 单口排气球 |
Slurry Pumps | 泥浆泵 |
Stop Valves | 截止阀 |
Strainer | 过滤器 |
Submerged Motor Pumps | 潜水电泵(排污泵) |
Swing Check Valves | 旋启式止回阀 |
Swing Check Valves | 旋启式止回阀 |
Tank Lorry Ball Valves | 槽车球阀 |
T-Cock | 三通 |
Thin Gate Valves | 薄型闸阀 |
Throttle Valves | 节流阀 |
Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves | 微阻缓闭止回阀 |
Under Water Pumps | 液下泵 |
Vacuum Pumps | 水力喷射器(真空泵) |
Vertical Lift Check Valves | 立式止回阀 |
Wafer Check Valves | 对夹式止回阀 |
Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning | 对夹式衬胶蝶阀 |
Waste Valves | 排污箱(阀) |
Water Seal Gate Valves | 水封闸阀 |
Wedge Gate Valves | 楔式闸阀 |
Y Type and Cylinder Filters | Y型筒型过滤器 |
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2.零部件术语 |
Axes Guide | 轴套 |
Ball | 球、球芯 |
Ball seat | 密封圈 |
Blowdown Sealing Face | 启、阀件密封面 |
Body | 阀体 |
Bonnet | 阀盖 |
Disc | 阀瓣 |
Mut | 螺母 |
Screw | 螺栓 |
Sealing | 密封件 |
Spring | 弹簧 |
Stem | 阀杆 |
Stem Mut | 阀杆螺母 |
Stem seal | 填料 |
Wedge Disc | 闸板 |
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3.性能术语 |
Applicable media | 适用介质 |
Applicable tempure | 适用温度 |
Butt Clamp | 对夹 |
Chemical anaiysis | 化学成份 |
Connecting format | 连接形式 |
Double disc | 双闸板 |
Flexible disc | 弹性闸板 |
Flange | 法兰 |
Hoop | 卡箍 |
Inside theread | 内螺纹 |
Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity | 材料化学成份和机械性能 |
materials | 材料 |
Materials for main parts | 主要零件材料 |
Mechanical capacity | 机械性能 |
Max. Discharging Capacity | 最大排水量 |
Max. Operating Temperature | 最高工作温度 |
Max. Allowable Temperature | 最高允许温度 |
Max. Allowable Pressure | 最高允许压力 |
Model | 型号 |
Name of parts | 零件名称 |
Nominal Pressure | 公称压力 |
Outside theread | 外螺纹 |
Oxidant | 氧化性介质 |
Parallet | 平行 |
Reductant | 还原性介质 |
Rising stem | 明杆 |
Seat testing pressure | 压力气密封试验压力 |
Socket | 卡套 |
Specifications | 性能规范 |
Single disc | 单闸板 |
Solid | 刚性 |
Strengh testing pressure | 强度试验压力 |
Steam , condensate | 蒸汽,凝结水 |
Water,oil,steam | 水,温度,气 |
Wedge | 楔式 |
Welding | 焊接 |
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4.材料术语 |
Buna-N rubber | 丁晴橡胶 |
Casting aluminium brass | 铸铝黄铜 |
Casting aluminium bronze | 铸铝青铜 |
CHR rubber | 氯晴橡胶 |
Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadium steel | 铬钼钒钢 |
Chromium stainless steel | 铬不锈钢 |
Chromium-molybdenum steel | 铬钼钢 |
Corrugation pad | 波形垫 |
Cuprum alloy | 铜合金 |
Ductile Cast iron | 球墨铸铁 |
Expanded graphite | 柔性石墨 |
Fine Steel Casting iron | 优质碳素钢 |
Fluorous rubber | 氟橡胶 |
Gray Cast iron | 灰铸铁 |
Hayne’s alloy | 钴铬钨合金 |
High tem perature steel | 高温钢 |
Low tem perature steel | 低温钢 |
Nylon | 尼龙塑料 |
Polytetrafluoroethylene | 聚四氟乙烯 |
Pure aluminum | 纯铝 |
Pure cupper | 纯铜 |
Rubbeer graphite board | 橡胶石墨板 |
Spring steel | 弹簧钢 |
Stainless acid-resisting steel | 不锈耐酸钢 |
Stainless and Graphite | 不锈钢/石墨 |
Stainless steel | 不锈钢 |
Steel Casting iron | 碳素钢铸件 |
Shell Test Pressure | 壳体试验压力 |
Service Fluid | 工作介质 |
阀门种类术语 |
Angle Stop Valves | 角式 |
Angle Throttle Valves | 角式节流阀 |
Angle Type Globe Valves | 角式截止阀 |
Butterfly Type Non-slam Check | 蝶式缓冲止回阀 |
Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator | 蜗轮传动 |
Cock | 二通 |
CQ Thread Ball Valves | CQ螺纹球阀 |
Diaphragm Valves | 隔膜阀 |
Double Disc Flat Gate Valves | 双闸板平板闸阀 |
Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves | 明杆平行式双闸板闸板 |
Double Opening Exhaust Valves | 双口排气球 |
Electric Actuated Stop Valves | 电动截止阀 |
Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves | 电动楔式闸阀 |
Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves | 电动平行式双闸板闸板 |
Emergeny Cut-off Valves | 紧急切断阀 |
Free Float Type Steam Trap | 浮球式疏水阀 |
Flange Ball Valves | 法兰球阀 |
Flange Gate Valves | 法兰闸阀 |
Flange Globe Valves | 法兰截止阀 |
Gauge Valves | 仪表阀 |
Hard Seal Butterfly Valves | 金属密封碟阀 |
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves | 高温高压电站闸阀 |
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves | 高温高压电站截止阀 |
Lift Check Valves | 升降式止回阀 |
Lift Check Valves | 升降式止回阀 |
Lining Ball Valves | 衬里球阀 |
Lining Butterfly Valves | 衬里碟阀 |
Lining Check Valves | 衬里止回阀 |
Lining Cock | 衬里二通 |
Lining Globe Valves | 衬里截止阀 |
Lining T-Cock Valves | 衬里三通旋塞阀 |
Liquid Indicator | 液位计 |
LPG Pipe Fitting | 液化气管件 |
Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves | 磁耦合截止阀 |
Magnetism Forle Pumps | 磁力泵 |
Manual Oil Pumps Valves | 手摇油泵(阀) |
Meter Needle Type Globe Valves | 仪表针形截止阀 |
Oblique Stop Valves | 直流式截止阀 |
Parallesl Slide Valves | 浆液阀 |
Piping Centrifugal Pumps | 管道离心泵 |
Piping Pumps | 管道泵 |
Piping Safety Valves | 管道安全阀 |
Plunger Globe Valves | 柱塞截止阀 |
Quick Draining Valves | 快速排污阀 |
Restrictor Valves | 过流阀(或节流阀) |
Safety Valves | 安全阀 |
Screw Pumps | 螺杆泵 |
Scum Gate Valves | 排渣闸阀 |
Single Disc Flat Gate Valves | 单闸板平板闸阀 |
Single Opening Exhaust Valves | 单口排气球 |
Slurry Pumps | 泥浆泵 |
Stop Valves | 截止阀 |
Strainer | 过滤器 |
Submerged Motor Pumps | 潜水电泵(排污泵) |
Swing Check Valves | 旋启式止回阀 |
Swing Check Valves | 旋启式止回阀 |
Tank Lorry Ball Valves | 槽车球阀 |
T-Cock | 三通 |
Thin Gate Valves | 薄型闸阀 |
Throttle Valves | 节流阀 |
Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves | 微阻缓闭止回阀 |
Under Water Pumps | 液下泵 |
Vacuum Pumps | 水力喷射器(真空泵) |
Vertical Lift Check Valves | 立式止回阀 |
Wafer Check Valves | 对夹式止回阀 |
Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning | 对夹式衬胶蝶阀 |
Waste Valves | 排污箱(阀) |
Water Seal Gate Valves | 水封闸阀 |
Wedge Gate Valves | 楔式闸阀 |
Y Type and Cylinder Filters | Y型筒型过滤器 |
| |
2.零部件术语 |
Axes Guide | 轴套 |
Ball | 球、球芯 |
Ball seat | 密封圈 |
Blowdown Sealing Face | 启、阀件密封面 |
Body | 阀体 |
Bonnet | 阀盖 |
Disc | 阀瓣 |
Mut | 螺母 |
Screw | 螺栓 |
Sealing | 密封件 |
Spring | 弹簧 |
Stem | 阀杆 |
Stem Mut | 阀杆螺母 |
Stem seal | 填料 |
Wedge Disc | 闸板 |
| |
3.性能术语 |
Applicable media | 适用介质 |
Applicable tempure | 适用温度 |
Butt Clamp | 对夹 |
Chemical anaiysis | 化学成份 |
Connecting format | 连接形式 |
Double disc | 双闸板 |
Flexible disc | 弹性闸板 |
Flange | 法兰 |
Hoop | 卡箍 |
Inside theread | 内螺纹 |
Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity | 材料化学成份和机械性能 |
materials | 材料 |
Materials for main parts | 主要零件材料 |
Mechanical capacity | 机械性能 |
Max. Discharging Capacity | 最大排水量 |
Max. Operating Temperature | 最高工作温度 |
Max. Allowable Temperature | 最高允许温度 |
Max. Allowable Pressure | 最高允许压力 |
Model | 型号 |
Name of parts | 零件名称 |
Nominal Pressure | 公称压力 |
Outside theread | 外螺纹 |
Oxidant | 氧化性介质 |
Parallet | 平行 |
Reductant | 还原性介质 |
Rising stem | 明杆 |
Seat testing pressure | 压力气密封试验压力 |
Socket | 卡套 |
Specifications | 性能规范 |
Single disc | 单闸板 |
Solid | 刚性 |
Strengh testing pressure | 强度试验压力 |
Steam , condensate | 蒸汽,凝结水 |
Water,oil,steam | 水,温度,气 |
Wedge | 楔式 |
Welding | 焊接 |
| |
4.材料术语 |
Buna-N rubber | 丁晴橡胶 |
Casting aluminium brass | 铸铝黄铜 |
Casting aluminium bronze | 铸铝青铜 |
CHR rubber | 氯晴橡胶 |
Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadium steel | 铬钼钒钢 |
Chromium stainless steel | 铬不锈钢 |
Chromium-molybdenum steel | 铬钼钢 |
Corrugation pad | 波形垫 |
Cuprum alloy | 铜合金 |
Ductile Cast iron | 球墨铸铁 |
Expanded graphite | 柔性石墨 |
Fine Steel Casting iron | 优质碳素钢 |
Fluorous rubber | 氟橡胶 |
Gray Cast iron | 灰铸铁 |
Hayne’s alloy | 钴铬钨合金 |
High tem perature steel | 高温钢 |
Low tem perature steel | 低温钢 |
Nylon | 尼龙塑料 |
Polytetrafluoroethylene | 聚四氟乙烯 |
Pure aluminum | 纯铝 |
Pure cupper | 纯铜 |
Rubbeer graphite board | 橡胶石墨板 |
Spring steel | 弹簧钢 |
Stainless acid-resisting steel | 不锈耐酸钢 |
Stainless and Graphite | 不锈钢/石墨 |
Stainless steel | 不锈钢 |
Steel Casting iron | 碳素钢铸件 |
Shell Test Pressure | 壳体试验压力 |
Service Fluid | 工作介质 |